On-line presence lagging behind?

On-line presence lagging behind?

Want to get an edge in your industry?

The industries that have been a slower to get into social media include less “sexy” fields, like machine related industries (including large equipment manufacturers, efficiency companies and industrial operations), niches that traditionally depended on a firm owner’s personal reputation (such as executive recruiters, lawyers or consultants) and small family owned businesses that depend mainly on local custom.

According to multiple surveys and reports, most businesses with an advertising or marketing budget are planning to divert as much as half of that budget into social media over the next 3 years.

Want to claim your market share?  Talk to the team at Ki Media.

Build it – then leave it?

Build it – then leave it?

One of the most important duties of a social media manager is to ensure business builds and fosters good relationships with your customers on social media sites. If someone posts a complaint on your Facebook page, you need to be quick to respond. And you need to respond in a way that is appropriate to your business culture.  Don’t build it – then leave it. That’s when problems arise.